Friday, January 23, 2009

Go-Green Changes of 2008

While thinking up my 2009 resolutions, I couldn't help but think that 2008 is going to be hard to beat! I made a lot of changes last year - all in the effort to green my household. I decided I should make a list, so here we go!

My list of Go-Green changes of 2008:
  1. Buy in bulk instead of individually packaged items (saved $ too!)
  2. Began diligently using reusable grocery bags and produce bags
  3. Switched to eco-friendly house cleaners, laundry detergent, etc. (yay for Shaklee!)
  4. Became more conscientious of where our food comes from, and now buy more local produce
  5. Buy more organic fruits and vegetables, especially the ones on the worst list for pesticides
  6. Use my purchase power as a vote -- buy brands that use less packaging, and choose glass over plastic! Basically, live like I love the ocean!
  7. Became more knowledgeable about the power we consume, and made efforts to reduce our household energy consumption.
  8. Reduce the amount of waste I consume by packing a waste-free lunch for work, or buying lunch with the least amount of packaging possible.
  9. Ditched the petroleum based candles for soy based ones, though unfortunately I have not made my own DIY soy candles yet.
  10. Collected and disposed hazardous wastes from around the house - the right way!
  11. Signed up with ProQuo and drastically reduced my junk mail!
  12. Started a compost
  13. Reduced the amount of curb side waste by at least 50%, probably more.
  14. Greened my online shopping
What's on your list? What are your goals for greening your household in 2009?

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